Medieval chant for Swedish saints

© Ann-Marie Nilsson

Uppsala University, Sweden

Source material from liturgical offices for Swedish saints (variants and comparative tables),
prepared by Ann-Marie Nilsson during a research project ”Medieval chant for Swedish saints”
financed (2006-2008) by the Swedish Research Council.
St. Sigfrid’s historia Celebremus karissimi (officium vetus)
The Swedish historia for St. Anne Felix orbis, felix hora
The Swedish historia for St. Ansgar Ludovicus imperator
Historie for Anne and Ansgar, with model chants from saints offices for Dominic, Mary and Peter OP
St. Elin’s historia Salve decus patrie
St. Eskil’s historia Eskille flos presulum (Laudent Sudermannie).
[Remaining melodies from the office de spina corone AH 5 nr 10, Adest dies leticie]
The Nordic Saturday office for the virgin Mary Stella Maria maris paris expers
The Nordic office for St. Joseph Joseph exortus regie
The historia for the patron saints of Sweden Iocundare mater ecclesia(1474)
The historia for St. Nicolaus Hermanni, episcopus Lincopensis Christo sit pia laus
St. Erik's historia Assunt Erici regis sollemnia (ed. Nilsson 2000) ]
[St. Birgitta’s historia Rosa rorans bonitatem (ed. Nilsson 2003) ]
[St. Birgitta’s historia Birgitte matris inclite (ed. Nilsson 2003) ]