Dubparts | Ascrip | Ascription
Dubparts | Clef | Clef
| Dubparts | Comments | Comments
| Dubparts | Dnr | The source no the part belongs to.
| Dubparts | Dubnr | No definition
| Dubparts | Dynamics | Dynamics
| Dubparts | edit_date | Record last edit date
| Dubparts | Format | Format
| Dubparts | Gath | Gathering
| Dubparts | Hand | Hand
| Dubparts | Handref | Hand reference
| Dubparts | Heading | Heading
| Dubparts | Initials | Record creator
| Dubparts | Ksig | Key signature
| Dubparts | Musinchead | not shown
| Dubparts | Musincnum | not shown
| Dubparts | Nota | Notation
| Dubparts | N_field | No definition
| Dubparts | Pages | Pages (written)
| Dubparts | Part | Part (source)
| Dubparts | Part_no | Part no
| Dubparts | Pnr | Internal unique record no.Internal unique record no.
| Dubparts | Range | Range
| Dubparts | rec_date | Record creation date
| Dubparts | Ruden_no | Rudén’s fol no
| Dubparts | Size | Size
| Dubparts | Title_page | Title page
| Dubparts | Watdate | No definition
| Dubparts | Watermark | Watermark
| Dubparts | Watref | No definition