Table description for table Dubvol
Number of columns=3DUBTname | DUBTCname | DUBTCtext |
Dubvol | comment | Comments
Dubvol | date11 | Date
| Dubvol | date12 | Date
| Dubvol | date21 | Second date
| Dubvol | date22 | Second date
| Dubvol | datesign1 | Date sign
| Dubvol | datesign2 | Date sign
| Dubvol | date_ref | Date reference
| Dubvol | descr | Description
| Dubvol | edit_date | Latest edit date
| Dubvol | folio | Total number of pages
| Dubvol | format | Format
| Dubvol | gath_struc | Gathering structure
| Dubvol | initials | Record creator
| Dubvol | jndex | Index
| Dubvol | rec_date | Record created date
| Dubvol | size | Size
| Dubvol | vnr | Internal unique record no
| Dubvol | volume | Volume signature
| Dubvol | vol_titl | Volume title