Dubworks | attr | Attribution status
Dubworks | attrib | Attributor
| Dubworks | attr_info | Info on attribution
| Dubworks | Cat | Catalogue no
| Dubworks | ConcoutMS | Manuscript concordance in another library
| Dubworks | DatePR | Date of a printed concordance
| Dubworks | Edition | Modern edition of the work
| Dubworks | edit_date | Record last edit date
| Dubworks | Feast | Connection to liturgical use (regularized)
| Dubworks | II | Number of instruments
| Dubworks | Meter | Meter
| Dubworks | Mitdav | Mitjana & Davidsson catalogue no
| Dubworks | Mm | Number of measures
| Dubworks | print_ref | Printed reference
| Dubworks | Qey | Key note of the piece
| Dubworks | Recording | Recording no
| Dubworks | rec_date | Record creation date
| Dubworks | ref_page | Reference pages
| Dubworks | RISM | RISM signum printed works for concordances.
| Dubworks | Structure | Succecssion of movements or sections
| Dubworks | TitleNr | Distinguish multiple works with same composer with the same title.
| Dubworks | Tnr | Unique reference to text in Dubtexts
| Dubworks | VI | Vocal or instrumental
| Dubworks | VV | Number of voices
| Dubworks | WComment | Comment on the work
| Dubworks | WName | Identity for the composer
| Dubworks | Wnr | Internal unique record no
| Dubworks | WorkNr | internal unique work no
| Dubworks | WTitle | Title (working title)