UPPSALA UNIVERSITET : Department of Musicology
Uppsala universitet
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The Düben Collection

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The Düben Collection Database Catalogue in relation to its previous versions and to older catalogues of the Düben collection

Maria Schildt: Printed Music in the Düben Collection

Maria Schildt: MSS concordances in prints

Volume information

Volume:vmhs 085:001-018
Gathering structure:{25}+{2}
Description:No volume title, no index. The layers are bound together with a thread; the layer of {2} is bound into the issue of {25} after fol. 19. The tabulatures are written mostly by Gustav Düben, some by DBH,b. Gustav Düben has written folio numbers in the upper left corner of the previous folio's verso side (folio no 2 is found in the upper left corner of fol. 1v).
Date ref:fol. 44r; Rudén 1968: 185
Comments:The date "1687 / d 8te Junÿ" is found on fol. 44r. Additional folio numbers have been written in the lower right corner with red ink; those number differ from fol. 24 onwards, where the red folio numbers become confused (there is even a folio number "38a" on fol. 37). Gustav Dübens original folio numbers are right.
Sources in volume: 
Krieger JP:Nun danket alle Gott (f. 1r-3r)
Pohle:Oculi mei semper ad Dominum (f. 3v-5r)
Buxtehude:Nun lasst uns Gott den Herren (f. 4v-7r)
Buxtehude:Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit (f. 6v-9r)
Buxtehude:Mein Gemüt erfreuet sich (f. 8v-12r)
Buxtehude:Bedenke Mensch das Ende (f. 12v-14r)
Buxtehude:Jesu meine Freude (f. 14v-18r)
Buxtehude:Eins bitte ich vom Herrn (f. 17v-24r)
Buxtehude:O Gottes Stadt (f. 25v-29r)
Buxtehude:O Gott wir danken deiner Güt (f. 28v-31r)
Buxtehude:Schwinget euch himmelan (f. 31v-36r)
Kress:Dulcis Jesu pie Deus (f. 35v-39r)
Buxtehude:Walt's Gott mein Werk ich lasse [O Haupt voll Blut] (f. 39v-42r)
Buxtehude:Herren vår Gud (f. 42v-44r)
Buxtehude:Erhalt uns Herr (f. 43v-46r)
Buxtehude:Domine salvum fac regem (f. 45v-49r)
Buxtehude:Der Herr ist mit mir (f. 48v-51v)
Förster:In tribulationibus (f. 51v-54r)
Watermarks in volume: 
236FoolscapNarr/7 - LMRudén 1968:185LM
812Seven Provinces7 prov with quatrefoil - DIDI