Comparative tables of chants for St. Anne and St. Ansgar from the historie ascribed to
Nicolaus Hermanni (Nils Hermansson), bishop of Linköping, and their models, especially
from the office for St. Dominicus (below: Dom) and the Nordic office for the Virgin Mary
(below: Stella).
A few melodies from the offices for St. Erik, St. Thorlak, the office for the patron saints of
Sweden (patroni regni Suecie) and the Nordic office for St. Joseph, that use the same melodic
models, are also included.
The chants for St. Dominicus, which are models for most of the chants for Anne and Ansgar,
were read from copies of the manuscript in the Santa Sabina Library (I-Rss) in Rome and
from microfilm of the manuscript in London British Library (GB-Lbl), Add. 23935 in the Bruno
Stäblein Archives in Erlangen.
For the chants for St. Anne, in general the main source S-Uu C 23 has been used; for those for
St. Ansgar, different fragments containing the most complete versions of the chants were
chosen as sources. For other Swedish sources of chants for these two saints, see separate files
on their pages.
Chants for St. Thorlak, the Icelandic bishop, are adapted on chants for St. Dominicus and
other saints venerated by the Dominicans (Ottósson’s edition 1959). Chants for the Swedish
king St. Erik, of which some are modelled on chants for St. Domincus, were edited by
Ann-Marie Nilsson (2000).
The material was prepared by Ann-Marie Nilsson during a research project (2006-2008)
”Medieval chant for Swedish saints”, financed by the Swedish Research Council, and after the
project period.
Remarks to variant tables contains general remarks on the notation in the sources and
the comparative tables as well as abbreviations.
Model chant: Dom MA9, Liber carnis vinculo:
Anna MA9 Dei ducit
Ansgar MA9 Hinc sanctus
Model chant: Dom LA1, Adest dies leticie:
Anna LA1 Anna virens
Ansgar LA1 Missam sibi propheticam
Antiphons in mode 2
Model chant: Dom MA2, Florem pudicitie:
Anna MA2 Florens sanctimonia
Erik MA2 Correxit Suecie leges
Antiphons in mode 3
Model chant: Dom MA3, Documentis:
Anna MA3, Anna plorat
Model chant: Dom LA3, Scala celo prominens:
Anna LA3 Anne preces
Ansgar LA3 Tam etate quam labore
Model chant: Stella LA3, Austro flante floridus:
Anna VA3 Quam preclarum
Ansgar MA3 Primo danis
Antiphons in mode 4
Model chant: Dom Minv, Assunt Dominici:
Anna Minv Mariam et Annam
Ansgar MInv Summo regi supernorum
Model chant: Dom MA4, Sub Augustini regula:
Anna MA4 Felix Anna
Ansgar MA4 Pro paganis
Antiphons in mode 5
Model chant: Dom MA5, Agonizans:
Anna MA5 Quam sit cara
Ansgar MA5 Monstrat sursum
Model chant: Dom LA5 Fulget in choro:
Anna LA5 Anna Maria precibus
Ansgar LA5 Ad augendam fidem
Model chant: Stella LA5, Fons et mater gracie:
Anna VA5 Mediante nobis Anna
Antiphons in mode 6
Model chant: Dom MA6, Pernox cum Christo:
Anna MA6 Anna prudens
Ansgar MA6 Stans in Birca
Model chant: Petrus OP VE, O Petre martyr:
Anna WE Mundi carnis et demonis
Antiphons in mode 7
Model chant: Dom MA7, Sitiebat servus:
Anna MA7 Ante Deum
Ansgar MA7 Danis in Sleswik
Antiphons in mode 8
Model chant: Dom MA8, Migrans pater:
Anna MA8 Offert foris
Ansgar MA8 Illic diversi
Responsories in mode 2
Model chant: Dom R2, Datum mundo/Stella micans:
Anna R2 Civis missus/Preposui illum
Ansgar R2 Profert verbum/Prevenisti eum
Responsories in mode 3
Model chant: Dom R3, Verbum vite/Ter in flammas:
Anna R3 O Maria maris stella/Tu es mater
Ansgar R3 Tribulatus ex labore/Deduxisti eum
Responsories in mode 4
(No model identified):
Anna R4 Hoc honestum/Castus amor
Ansgar R4 Prefectus regis/Domum suam
Responsories in mode 5
Model chant: Dom R5, Panis oblatus/Signo crucis:
Anna R5 Nubentes se iuste tenent/Beatus qui tenebit
Ansgar R5 Benigne Bercam respicit/Verbis factis
Responsories in mode 6
Model chant: Dom R6, Granum excussum/Flos in florum:
Anna R6 Apud celi cives/Benedicite Deum
Ansgar R6 Hunc Symonem vi repulit/Vitam duxit
(No model identified):
Anna R9 O laus grandis/Candor est
Ansgar R9 Ansgari dedi te/Ego elegi te
Responsories in mode 7
Model chant: Dom R7, Felix vitis/Ex ubertate:
Anna R7 Omnes noscens creaturas/Non est inventus similis
Ansgar R7 In excelso sedens throno/De ventre matris
Responsories in mode 8
Model chant: Dom R8, Ascendenti/Per quem multos:
Anna R8 Illos Deus quos prescivit/Elegit eos
Ansgar R8 Posuit os tuum Dominus/Ansgari servus