The liturgical office de spina corone is supposed to have been written around the year
1300. The variant tables of chant melodies contain melodies transmitted in three
preserved sources, two in Sweden and one in Denmark, containing some of the
responsories and antiphons for Matins and the Psalm antiphons for Lauds and
fragments of the Benedictus antiphon. In a few cases comparative melodies from the
office for St. Eskil are included. They might be models (or vice versa) or just modally
Edition and complementary material was prepared by Ann-Marie Nilsson during a
research project (2006-2008) ”Medieval chant for Swedish saints”, financed by the
Swedish Research Council.
Fragment MPO 7701 S. 15. Pärmfyllnader i 1:3:1 Räntekammarbok 1533. – R4-LA3.
Ant 124, Fragment nr. 20316 S. 15:2 (or earlier?) in Krigsarkivet (the Military
Archives). Militieräkenskaper, Register över Västgöta ryttares hemman och
hemmansräntor 1597 [earlier "MR 1597:40", now MR 1597:15]. – (R9), LA1-5, LH
inc., LE.
Copenhagen, Rigsarkivet (The National Archives):
Minute fragments (from BR:30) nr 484–485 r/v and 3158–3159 r/v, S. 13:2(?).
Uppbörder från Halmstad och Laholm 1618–1624. – VH, (R3)V (a few notes from R1
that are not included here).
Remarks to variant tables
contains general remarks on the notation in the sources and
the comparative tables as well as abbreviations.