UUB: | vmhs 082:034 |
Composer: | Buxtehude,Dieterich,1637-1707 |
Title: | Ecce nunc benedicte |
Full title: | Ecce nunc be/ne-dicite Domi/ no./ A.T.T.B Con 2/ Violini è 4 Rip:/ D. B. |
Scoring: | A 2T B 2vl bc |
BC: | 1: [bc] |
Score comment: | bc figured in one short passage only |
Notation: | tab |
Format: | 2:o |
Tinten No: | 0 |
Main hand: | GD |
Hand ref.: | Grusnick 1966: 134 |
Date: | 1679:7-1683:7 |
Date ref.: | Rudén 1968: 169 |
Language: | lat |
----------: | ----------- |
VolOrd: | 2 |
VolPage: | 4v-7r |
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