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The Düben Collection Database Catalogue in relation to its previous versions and to older catalogues of the Düben collection

Maria Schildt: Printed Music in the Düben Collection

Maria Schildt: MSS concordances in prints

UUB:vmhs 050:015 [ex 1]
Title:Schlagt Künstler die Pauken
Full title:Schlacht, Künstler! die Pausen / à 10 / doi Soprani. Alto è Basso Con / doi Violini è Violon doy Trombetti / è Tympani. / di / D. B. H. [later addition, at top:] Erfreue dich Erde; du Himmel Erschall!
Scoring:2S A B 2vl vlne 2tr timp org
Tinten No:0
Date ref.:print
Original feast:Der Hochzeit=Feyer
Source comments:The portion of vmhs 050:015 that we have designated "[ex 1]" contains all the original parts for performing Buxtehude's wedding cantata "Schlagt Künstler die Pauken"(BuxWV 122), together with the printed libretto from 1681. Included with the libretto are two handwritten sheets, one with the text for the sacred contrafactum "Erfreue dich Erde" (Bux WV 26; vmhs 050:015 [ex 2]), and one for another contrafactum, "Klinget mit Freuden" (BuxWV 65; vmhs 006:014). The title page and headings for the instrumental parts of vmhs 050:015 [ex 1] already indicate the conversion to "Erfreue dich Erde."

Number of parts found:13

Part NoPart  Copyist
01Soprano 1mo.Show part informationBrowse partDBH,c
02Soprano 2do.Show part informationBrowse partDBH,c
03Alto.Show part informationBrowse partDBH,c
04Basso.Show part informationBrowse partDBH,c
05Tro[m]betta 1.Show part informationBrowse partGD
06Trombetta 2daShow part informationBrowse partGD
07Violino 1.Show part informationBrowse partGD
08Violino. 2doShow part informationBrowse partGD
09Violon.Show part informationBrowse partGD
10Tympani.Show part informationBrowse partGD
11Organo.Show part informationBrowse partGD
12[text print]Show part informationBrowse partprint
13[text]Show part informationBrowse partGD

Number of volumes found:0