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The Düben Collection Database Catalogue in relation to its previous versions and to older catalogues of the Düben collection

Maria Schildt: Printed Music in the Düben Collection

Maria Schildt: MSS concordances in prints

Volume information

Volume:vmhs 083:069-073
Gathering structure:2<3> + <2>
Index:Beatus Vir a 4 cant[us] et B. 2 Violi di Remio Cesti/ O Anima Suspira Alto Con 2 Violini Benedict[us] Giosepo/ O Jesu dilecte mi Alto Con 2 Violini di Bened: Giosep/ Fallax mundus ornat Canto Con 2 Violini. Dit: B: Hude/ Exulta Jubila. Canto e Basso 2 Violin. Joh: Philip Crugr
Description:No volume title. Index on fol. 1r, written by GD; some additional ascriptions (only clarifying the original ascriptions) added with black pen by a librarian, as well as UUB signatures with red ink. The layers are bound together with a thread. All tabulatures written by GD's hand. Folio numbers in the lower right corner on the recto side added later by a librarian with red ink. Fol. 14v-16v are empty.
Date ref:Grusnick 1966: 164; Rudén 1968: 167
Comments:Date: Original date given as "1681/ 1 februar" within the final bar of the last piece on fol. 13v. Grusnick says not later than 1675 despite the original date of 1681 after the last piece; he takes the watermark as an argument (see Grusnick 1966: 164). Rudén dates paper and watermark to 1679:7-1682:8 (see Rudén 1968: 167). The second piece in the volume, "O anima mea suspira", is in this volume attributed to Benedictus; in a set of parts (vmhs 33:6) it is attributed to RosenmÙller. Grusnick says that the name in the volume was added with darker ink, not by GD (see Grusnick 1966: 164); he ignores the ascription in the index, which is definitely made by GD.
Sources in volume: 
Cesti:Beatus vir (f. 1v-6r)
Benedictus:O anima mea suspira (f. 5v-8r)
Benedictus:O Jesu dilecte mi (f. 7v-9r)
Buxtehude:Fallax mundus (f. 8v-11r)
Krieger JP:Exulta jubila accurre laetare (f. 10v-14r)
Watermarks in volume: 
62FoolscapNarr/7 typ 26Rudén 1968: 178-
87FoolscapNarr/7 typ 133Rudén 1968 app.I: 90-93-