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The Düben Collection Database Catalogue in relation to its previous versions and to older catalogues of the Düben collection

Maria Schildt: Printed Music in the Düben Collection

Maria Schildt: MSS concordances in prints

Title:O quam terribilis
Attr. Status:x
Attr. Information:Rejected as a work of Albrici on stylistic grounds. This same composition appears as vmhs 11:16 (parts), attributed to Carissimi, where the Bc part bears the rubric "di Vincenzo Albrici." Andrew Jones also rejects this work as a composition of Carissimi on stylistic grounds ("Motets of Carissimi," 2:78). However, it is much closer in style to the works of Carissimi than to those of Albrici.
Attributor:MEF 2002
Number of voices:2
Number of instruments:0
Number of measures:136
Meter:C 3/2
Work comments:Vmhs 11:16 bears the same piece, attr. to Carissimi, but the bc part says "di Vincenzo Albrici." Jones: not by Carissimi (attr. to him in 2 late prints); Frandsen doubts it is a work of Albrici on stylistic grounds--more likely by GC or co
Manuscript concordance:vmhs 011:016 (Carissimi)

Number of linked sources found:2
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vmhs 029:008atab Select
vmhs 002:003:ex1parts Select