How to search:
capitals or lowercase In order to search, pitches may be entered in capitals or in lowercase: "A B C#" or "a b c#", but must be seperated by blankspaces "A[blankspace]B[blankspace]C#", etc.
flatsFlats are spelled: Bb, Eb, Ab, etc.
sharpsSharps are spelled: F#, C#, G#, etc.
double flatsDouble flats are spelled: Bbb.
double sharpsDouble sharps are spelled: Ex.
[+] and [sic]If a note string is suspected to contain a misspelling, the corrected note string is marked with [+], followed by the actual note string and [sic].
[tr] and [sic]If a note string is suspected to have been transposed, the note string is marked with [tr], followed by the actual note string and [sic].
*If the start of a piece is missing, the page or folionumber are marked *. Example: fol. 41v*
**If the end of a piece is missing, the page or folionumber are marked **. Example: fol. 207v**.
p. 2-2; 2-3Means: second, third piece on page 2.
[1], [2], etc.In some cases, identical note strings may represent different pieces. The additional information ”[1]” or "[2]” is used to designate which version is intended.

All library sigla follow the customary system of the online catalogue RISM (Répertoire International des Sources Musicales) to be found in the following pdf-file.


Several scholars of musicology have contributed to The Uppsala Partimento Database UUPart.
I wish to express my sincerest gratitude to Nicholas Baragwanath, Eleonora Betti, Dirk Börner, Lydia Carlisi, Riccardo Castagnetti, Benedetto Cipriani, Ozorio Christovam, Hanns-Bertold Dietz, Robert Gjerdingen, Matteo Messori, Nicoleta Paraschivescu, Marco Pollaci, Claire Roberts, Maxim Serebrennikov, Gaetano Stella, Mário Marques Trilha, and Stefano Quaresima. I would like to direct special thanks to Giorgio Sanguinetti (Rome) for the most generous way he has contributed to the UUPart database.

In addition to this, the UUPart Database Project has received generous support from the Library of the Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi in Milano, for which we would like to express our sincerest thanks.